A Rooter or Cleaning Service Can Help You Avoid the Mess of a Clogged Sewer System

One of the most annoying problems that a homeowner or renter has to deal with is clogs in the drain lines. These situations can occur for a variety of reasons, and plumber the fault may depend on where in the pipe the clog is located. For instance, the drain pipe below the sink has a piece of pipe known as a P-Trap. This is an 'S' or 'U' shaped pipe that is designed to block sewer gas from entering the home. It functions by collecting water in the crook of the pipe which, essentially, creates a vapor barrier. Unfortunately, this crook can also collect debris such as food, grease, hair or anything else that doesn't wash away quickly. The best way to fix this type of clog is to remove the P-Trap and clear out whatever is blocking the flow of liquid.

A much more serious drain cleaning service ri involves the clogs that occur deep in the sewer lines. The sewer line is a low flow system. This means that the solid waste that you flush away can cause a buildup on the walls of the pipe. Solid matter can accumulate wherever there is something to snag it, and this includes any fittings or joints. After enough time has passed, the clog will be large enough that it restricts the flow of sewage or even blocks it completely. If you are lucky, then you may notice a symptom such as longer draining times or drains that let a little liquid pass then pause, flow backward slightly or burp excess gas. This usually the most noticeable when draining water out of the tub.

Clogs in the sewer line use a special type of removal method. This is typically known as a rooter service because the tool used may need to root deep into the labyrinth of sewer pipes to reach the clog. The device that is used is a long flexible cable that is sometimes known as a pipe snake. It has an attached auger for piercing a clog so that liquid waste can flow again. In most cases, this may be enough to eliminate the blockage. However, old clogs or extremely dense blockages may require washing the sewer lines with a high-pressure spray.

Of course, if you want to reduce the chance of future problems and keep the price of plumbing repairs under control, then you may opt for another service known as drain pipe video inspection. A video inspection can discover a number of problems and can help the plumber determine the best way to handle them. For example, suppose that the sewer pipes are cracked or damaged. This problem may not be noticed unless it is seen with the video system, or the break causes a severe leak that leaves a puddle of sewage in the yard. Inspecting the pipe may also determine if the sewer line is due for cleaning or if it is past the point of repair and ready for replacement.